Title: Scrabble
Author: nona.
Rating: Adult.
Genre: Romance.
Pairing: Fraser/Vecchio.
Notes: And who said that board games are boring?
"You can't do that, Ray."
"Yes, I can. It's a word."
"I realize that, Ray, but if you put it there, then you'll run into the other word. If you do that, then it has to spell a word."
"I know how to play Scrabble, Fraser. You don't have to lecture me."
Ben raised his brows and Ray shifted his legs beneath the low living room's coffee table.
"I wasn't lecturing you, Ray. I was merely pointing out the rules of the game, which you are currently and flagrantly breaking."
Ray sneered at him, wholly tempted to stick his tongue out at his friend, as he eased the tiles into place. He knew it wasn't the appropriate place to put them, but he couldn't help annoying the Mountie.
Ben watched him with some amazement before gesturing almost wildly to the board.
With a satisfied chuckle, Ray collected his letters from the board.
"You're such a spoilsport," Ray said to him.
Ben grimaced.
"Oh, am I?"
Ray nodded.
"Well, fine."
And Ben underlined his point by flipping over the game board.
The smooth wooden tiles scattered across the coffee table and clattered to the living room floor.
Dief sleepily picked up his head as a few of the tiles landed on his head. Pawing them away the wolf glared at them with righteous indignation.
"Christ, Benny! Don't get all upset about it!" Ray cried, clutching the letters he still held in his hand.
Ray searched Ben's face only to see the unbelievably sly grin there.
"I mean," Ray continued much more calmly, "don't get mad, it was just an invitation."
Ray juggled the tiles he still held and then leaned forward to spell out his original word, "Suck me," across the Mountie's upper thigh.
Ben looked down at the carefully placed letters, having to read upside down of course and then searched through the tiles that had fallen on the floor around them.
Picking up the "F" tile, he made a quick letter exchange, much to Ray's delight.
"I prefer this invitation much more, Ray," he said and without another word, the Italian lunged for him.