Title: The Lies We Tell Ourselves
Author: Welmach.
Rating: Adult.
Genre: Drama.
Pairing: Vecchio/MacDonald.
Notes: Thanks to Beth, because without her this snippet would
never have been written.
White sandy beaches, warm humid air, and the spray the
smell of salt water. Ian MacDonald thought he could
grow to love Florida, especially since the man he
loved now called it home.
Ian knew he looked out of place, dressed in corduroy
pants, heavy leather shoes, a long sleeve t-shirt. A
heavy lined jacket laid across his lap. All his
possessions were held at his feet in a small compact
leather bag... imitation leather...fake...just like
him. Just like Ray Vecchio.
From the moment he met Ray Vecchio, Ian knew him. A
man trying to escape his past, playing dress up and
spouting beliefs he wanted to adhere to. He ranted
and raved at Ian. He blamed him for ruining his
designer suit and leather shoes. The only person he
yelled at more than Ian was Constable Fraser. Maybe
because they saw the real Ray Vecchio, and Vecchio
didn't want anyone to see that.
Every time Ian came into contact with Vecchio, the
Italian yelled, and every time Ian wished that fury
would turn into passion.
Eventually it did.
Never would he forget his stay in Las Vegas. Ian had
thrown himself into the world of high stakes poker and
surprised everyone with his naive looks and shrewd
playing style. Well, he had to learn something from
his father other than how to lose your kid in five
easy steps. So, he was taking Vegas by storm. Well,
maybe not the whole city, but one or two of the
casinos, including the one owned by Armando
One night when Ian was just too good at the table, and
the dealer too threatened by his talent, a security
guard tried to forcibly remove him from the hotel.
And then he was there. Ray Vecchio. Stepping off the
elevator with two men at his side.
Instant recognition, a near slip of Vecchio's name,
and Ian found himself in Armando Langoustini's
penthouse, and once again he was the recipient of the
Italian's fury. An hour later he was in Langoustini's
bed, finally on the receiving end of Ray's passion.
It left Ian bruised but very happy and in love. There
was nowhere else he wanted to be.
But, a week later he had been sent on his way with an
order to get out of Vegas. Ian left the hotel but
knew he could not leave Ray. However, the sudden
appearance of two FBI agents at his small motel room,
sealed his fate, and he was heading back to Canada.
Now though. Now he was sitting on a bench in Florida,
watching as Ray Vecchio came down the steps of his
house and watched the water. Before Ian could get up
the nerve to approach him, a petite blond woman made
her way down the steps and towards Ray. Together they
strolled the beach, and every now and then Ray would
reach out and touch her rounded stomach.
Ian realized that Ray had found the lie he wanted to
live. He watched the couple disappear down the shore
without a glance in his direction. Ian wondered what
he would do now. Where would he go? What lie would he
As he gathered up his belongings and headed to his
small rental car, he wondered where the nearest
sporting shop was and if they sold bowling balls.